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The Dorothy Heggland & Mike Boznianin Family

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Michael Boznianin
b. Oct. 24, 1954
Angela Boznianin
b. Jan. 10, 1956
Katherine Boznianin
b. Jul. 5, 1962
Heather Boznianin
b. Jun. 17, 1963
Fay Boznianin
b. Sep.12, 1964
Kristeen Boznianin
b. Apr. 11, 1972
Descendants of
Michael Boznianin &
Descendants of
Angela Boznianin &
Descendants of
Katherine Boznianin
Descendants of
Heather Boznianin &
Descendants of
Fay Boznianin &
David Switsky
b. Dec. 3, 1962
Descendants of
Kristeen Boznianin &
Neil Condon
B. Jun. 8,'51