A Fred Dravland & Ms. Johnson Story

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To view a picture of the wedding of Fred and Ms. Johnson click Wedding
To view a picture of Kris, Fred and John S. click Fred
To view a picture of Fred and Mable click Mable
To view a picture of young Fred click Fred
To view a picture of Fred click Fred after Confirmation?
To view a picture of Fred click Fred the young man

Fredrik 'Fred' Dravland was confirmed in the Lutheran Faith in 1900 at The Turtle Mountain Lutheran Church located in rural Carbury, North Dakota.

Fred and his first wife lived in Saskatchewan, Canada for a number of years. They lived near the small town of Onger. He must have been very active in local politics because he was on the school board and the school was named after him. There is also a cemetery bearing his name. To view a picture of the sign at the site of the school click School.
To see the sign at the cemetery click Cemetery